
Sunday, June 25, 2006

A droite, voici Sophie, notre fille avec une de ses meilleures amies d'enfance, Sylvie, qui vient tout juste de se marier. Sophie est une aventurière qui aime beaucoup voyager. Alors Sophie on t'attend dans le sud. On va beaucoup te manquer toi aussi, alors viens nous voir souvent.

On the right is Sophie our daughter posing with her childhood friend, Sylvie, who just got married. Sophie loves travelling having spent lots of times in South America. So we hope to see you often down there Sophie. We love you.

Voici notre fils, Marc qui semble être très relax à bord de notre voilier. Il va beaucoup nous manquer mais l'on sait qu'il viendra nous visiter souvent.

This Marc, our son, sailing on Shediac Bay last week at night. We'll miss him a lot but we know he loves sailing so he will certainly visit us often down South.

Voici la belle Jolène, l'amie de Marc notre fils. Elle fait partie de notre famille depuis au moins 4 ans.

This is Jolene, my son's long-time girlfriend.

These are our friends and family watching the Black Beard Pirate performance.

Here's Black Beard pirate trying to scare us.

You can see that me and Paul are really scared when Black Beard pirate made his appearance. Gosh, what will he do to us!

The picture is not very good but here comes Pirate Black Beard who dropped in unexpectedly at our house party. He certainly scared many of our guests and I felt in great danger but I knew Paul would be there to save me. Thank you Peter for such a great performance. You were the star of the evening. And for those of you whose fears are that we will be met by pirates along the way, be assured that we will stay away from those awful individuals by chosing our destination very carefully.

Jake et Paulette ont pensés de nous offrir ces accessoires de flottaison au cas où nous tomberions dans l'eau pendant notre voyage.

Thanks Jake and Paulette for thinking of us and be so concerned for our safety. As you can see on the picture, we both enjoyed our gift tremendously.

We see here our friends, Sonia, Kieran, Paulette, Art and Jake enjoying the wonderful weather we had on the day of our house party.

Voici Richard, Carmel, ma soeur, Estelle, et le nouveau retraité, Roger prenant un coup à notre santé.

It is me the night of our house party serving some food to our guests.

C'est moi le soir de notre party à la maison.

On June 17, 2006, we had a big party at our home to celebrate our departure. We were 46 people consisting of family and close friends. Here you see Carole, Carmel and my sister, Estelle looking pretty for the camera.

Voici mes deux amis Carole et Carmel ainsi que ma soeur, Estelle qui étaient venues fêter avec nous notre départ.

We had a visitor in Caraquet. Our dear friend Rick Auffrey. He was quite relaxed having just finished a round of golf.

Merci de ta visite, Rick. C'étais un plaisir de te voir.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I am all happy, we have just renovated our kitchen. New countertops and a glass back-splash was installed.

Je suis toute heureuse. Notre cuisine a ete renovée, nouveau dessus de comptoir et un paneau en verre a été installé. ça ne prends pas grand chose pour me rendre heureuse.

Once the boat was in the water, we realized there was water coming in through the shaft. So we had to lift the boat out of the water to get it fix.
The following pictures show you the whole process. It is quite interesting to see how this is done.

Afin de réparer le bateau, nous avons dû sortir le bateau de l'eau brièvement. Les prochaines photos vous montrent comment ils s'y prennent pour sortir le bateau de l'eau.

It's the month of May and the boat is finallly in the water at the marina of Bas-Caraquet. We are finally installing the sails on the boat. It's a beautiful day, and we are quite please that the boat is finally in the water.

C'est le mois de mai et notre voilier est finalement à l'eau. Aujourd'hui nous avons appareillé le bateau en commençant avec la grande voile.

Cette tache noire que vous voyez au bout du mât c"est Roland mon beau-frère qui s'est sacrifié pour aller vérifier les connections électriques. Ouf! Ce mât a 55 pieds de haut, nous espérons qu'il a de bonnes assurances!

My brother-in-law, Roland, is a brave man. Paul asked him to go check the electrical connections at the top of the mast. Fifty-five feet high is the mast, he is a brave man. Thanks Roland!

Me voilà en train de prendre les mesures pour notre lit. Nous devons faire faire des draps sur mesure. Une autre tâche qui doit être fait avant notre départ.

I am measuring our bed mattress to get custom made sheet. Just one more thing that needs to be done before our departure

Ah oui, c'est moi, enmitouflée, nous sommes au mois d'avril et il fait très froid. Mais je dois dire que l'air est pure et agréable. Nous sommes en train d'installer le systeme de chauffage. We are installing the heating system. Nous avons aussi installés les cordages. It's cold but dress in my winter outfit it is quite comfortable. I am enjoying myself tremendously. Being in this kind of environment gives me lots of energy. There is nothing like being outdoor and doing physical work. It's invigorating.

This is the view we had working from our boat this past April. You can see up far the ice still floating in the Caraquet Bay. Il faisait très froid mais les bateaux de pêches longeaient déjà la baie à la recherche de la pêche miraculeuse.